Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Asain Youth Fellowship First Impression

The First Impression of My AYF Life

The first moment that I met AYF students at Kansai International Airport was the first sight of AYF life which came to me. AYF students are so amazing. They are like the heroes of each nation. Everyone has their own dream of going back to help their country. Some of them want to become a prime minister, some want to become the head of a company and some want to become an angel. However, 3 months later in Kansai Center tells me that AYF life is full of fun and challenges. Japanese language is not easy, but our teachers are so helpful and patient. I just wish to express my sincere thanks to their kindness and loveliness.


AYFの学生に関西国際空港で会ったときが、わたしのAYF生活のはじまりした。AYFの学生は とてもおもしろくて 凄いです。みんなは 国のヒーローです。すばらしい夢が あります。よく国を 助けたいです。総理大臣や社長や天使に なりたい人もいます。でも3ヶ月関西センターで 住んでいますが、AYFの生活は  楽しくて 挑戦だと 思っています。日本語が やさしくないですが、センターの先生は 気長だし、親切だし、とてもよく助けてくれます。先生に 支持から どうもありがとうございますと言いたいです。

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The wonder of life fills me as I look to new horizons.